Leadership Team



California American School gives a platform for students to explore with new ideas. Read More

OUR Value

A longer school day so each student reaches his or her full potential. Passionate and enthusiastic teachers who will encourage and challenge our students. Dedicated and professional leadership whose main goal is the success of our students.


We envision that CAS will be a premier innovative school that provides exemplary 21st century education and produces graduates who are self-directed learners ,college-and-career-ready individuals, and responsible citizens in the global community.

OUR Mission

Strive to develop all children’s personal, psychological, physical and cognitive well being and to empower them to learn independently, think critically, be creative and innovative and demonstrate the sense of pride of their culture and heritage.

  • Why Casschool 
  •   Leadership Team
  • About CasSchool

About CasSchool

California American School gives a platform for students to explore with new ideas, inculcate new thoughts and experiment with different perspectives by engaging them in innovative projects and extended learning activities.

Contact Information:

Shakhbout City mfw-21-AbuDhabi

+9712 586 1133
